
•    Spent one year as a clinical / research fellow, working at the Parkinson’s Pacific Research Program at the UBC, Vancouver, BC, doing movement disorders outpatients’ clinics as well as conducting studies on Parkinson’s disease patients at the PET program.

•    Presented two abstracts at the 41st meeting of the Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences (CCNS) in Montreal, June 13-17, 2006,
o       Intractable Complex Partial Seizures (TLE) caused by Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor (DNET): An Adult Canadian experience, A Alshehri, M Jones.
o    Parkinsonism presenting in an adult patient with Joubrt’s syndrome: a PET study, A Alshehri, S Gunzler, J Nutt, A Stoessl.

•    Books:
o    Co-authored a chapter on “Functional Neuroimaging in Neurology”, Published December 2007 in “
Neurology in Clinical Practice”, edited by Walter G. Bradley, Robert B Daroff, Gerald Fenichel and Joseph Jankovic.

•    Published papers:
o    Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis in a patient presenting with bilateral gluteal abscesses and right leg swelling with end-stage renal disease. Al-Shehri AM, Al-Ghamdi SM, Khalil A, Al-Amoudi A, Baslaim A, Mamoun I. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2007 Nov;18(4):603-8.
o    Cryptosporidiosis in a renal transplant patient treated with paromomycin., Khalil-ur-Rahman, Al-Amoudi A, Badreddine S, Al-Shehri AM, Kanaan H, Al-Ghamdi SM. Ann Saudi Med. 2007 Sep-Oct;27(5):373-4.

Last Update
1/13/2009 4:31:32 PM